Below is a list of great Bible teachers who have stuck to the complete word of God without changing it, or developing their own interpretations from it. They are known by their fruit and most of them have decades of experience in the word of God. Over my life they have really helped me understand the depths of the word and have kept me strong in the faith and true to the word of God.
I recommend downloading the content as quickly as possible after the rapture because:
• The servers of Christian believers won’t be renewed and will eventually go down
• Christians won't be shipping physical digital content due to not being here anymore
• The antichrist and tech companies may try and remove as much of it as possible
If all else fails, read the Bible and the Christianity section in this document. If you need a Bible, I have one uploaded on my server here: (English, KJV) I also have Bibles in most other languages on my website which you can find Here.
Koinonia House writes incredibly detailes biblical-scientific blogs and Bible analyses. They also produce biblical study videos and Bible study resources such as 'Learn the Bible in 24 Hours'.
J.D. has a spectacular grasp on Bible prophecy and regularly puts out prophecy updates and Bible teachings. He should be your go-to guy if you're wondering what's going on in the world from a Christian perspective.
Billy creates Christian videos on a huge array of topics; from understanding God, world religions, satan and demons, the truth about Christian holidays and so much more. Almost all his content is free to watch and download.
Jan has a weekly radio broadcast throughout America discussing current events. She always ends on a positive note and constantly reminds us that the King is coming very soon for those who have accepted Him.
Jack uploads regular Bible commentary, world updates and great content on every Christian topic. Jack often has world renound guests and strictly sticks to the word of God.
Don Stewart regularly joins Jack Hibbs on his channel discussing the current times and has written a library of books you can download for free.
Amir puts out constant, detailed Middle-East updates and Christian videos at least once a week. If you have questions about events happening in the Middle East, he is your man.
ACL creates theologically sound videos explaining the biblical meaning behind the current issues of Australia such as abortion, euthanasia and LGBT rights.
John puts out weekly prophecy updates and Bible commentary with a lawyer mindset and a real-world emphasis.
• John Haller's Videos on Rumble
Barry and his church puts out great sermons a couple of times a week which is well grounded in scripture. He often tours with Amir on His conferences and appears in his videos.
Terry doesn't have a website but has written many great works of theology and the end times and often appears on the people's above channels such as Jan Markell's.
• (Book) Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception
• (Book) Discerners: Analyzing Converging Prophetic Signs for the End of Days
• (Book) The American Apocalypse: Is the United States in Bible Prophecy?
• (Book) Antichrist and the Final Solution: The Chronology of the future Finally revealed
• Terry James featured on Jan Markell's channel
Eric uploads insightful christian content often and regularly appears as a co-host on Jan Markell's Olive Tree Ministries.
Mark often answers biblical questions posed to him by his followers in addition to his regular bible teachings.
• Dr Mark Hitchcock on YouTube
Walter Martin wrote the book (literally) on understanding the cults of the world from a Christian perspective and Jill has kept them up to date with the changes that have occured since his passing.
• (Book) The Kingdom of the Cults
• (Book) The Kingdom of the Occult
David specialises in end times Bible prophecy and the events going on around the world today.
• Lamb and Lion Ministries Website
• Lamb and Lion Ministries on YouTube
Even though it's been many decades since his death, his memory lives on through his incredible works of Christianity such as Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters. These are well worth the read if you're trying to learn about God.
• (Book) The Screwtape Letters
• (Book) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Narnia)
The Rapture Survival Guide is a comprehensive document focused on the events leading up to and succeeding the rapture of the church. It's designed to guide you through the end times, prove that the Bible is from God and save your eternal life.
• The Rapture Survival Guide (TRSG)
Chuck outlines and comments on the Rapture – our Blessed Hope.
• The Rapture – The Blessed Hope (2 hrs)
These horses represent the first four seals in Revelation which Chuck discusses in extreme depth. If you're in the tribulation - this is a must watch to see what's coming.
• Behold a White Horse – Part 1
• Behold a White Horse – Part 2
• Behold a Black Horse – Part 1
• Behold a Black Horse – Part 2
• Behold a Livid Horse – Part 1
• Behold a Livid Horse – Part 2
Amir discusses the soon coming rapture of the Church foretold in the Bible. 1 hour long video.
• What the End Times Will Look Like? (1h 40m)
In this series, we will learn how to discern the voices of our day based on what scripture reveals.
• Part 1
• Part 2
• Part 3
This series outlines the entire Bible in 24 1 hour sessions. It’s a great place to start learning about the Bible as a whole.
• Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (Audio Only)
A well made video debating the reliability of the Bible, a good one to watch for those questioning Christianity. 15 minutes long.
The content on most of the sites above can be directly downloaded via buttons on their web pages however the content on YouTube requires a program to download them such as an MP3 download:
I’ve also created a 1,500+ page document on preparedness if you’re living in the end times and are trying to survive. Of course you should trust God first and foremost to provide what you need but we need to apply some effort on our end as well. You can download it here:
• The Preparedness Encyclopedia (TPE)
If you’re after entertainment and want a Christian novel based on the events after the rapture, look up the “Left Behind” series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It’s a series of 16 novels set after the rapture takes place and ending with the second coming of Jesus. It follows the lives of Rayford Steele and his daughter Chloe and their struggle through the tribulation, while closely following a likely narrative of what could happen in the end times as depicted by the Bible. The series ends with the second coming of Jesus.
Lost? Or want to get a better understanding of Christianity? Have a look at my list of topics at: Christianity
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